Fall Fun Series

Hello there friends! I’ve been welcomed by a stellar group of bloggers to participate in a blog post sharing series and I’m so excited to share the fun with you! Here’s the way it works:
This will be a new post series that myself, and a bunch of old and new blogging friends will be engaging in this autumn season. We will be covering our fall wax melts, candles, recipes, decorations, and more.  **If you’re already a follower, you know that I’m a seasonal melter, so all of this fall-related content fits right into my monthly themed melts.
Please feel free to join us in the comments when we post by telling us what you are melting or creating or loving this fall. If you are a blogger and would like to join us please let us know and we will send you the schedule of posts. Please welcome the following bloggers and check out their posts as well which will generally post Monday and Friday starting September and ending the day after Thanksgiving (some may post on different days or times):
Amanda at ThriftyPolished
Angela at AngelaKay
Jaybird at The Candle Enthusiast
Lauren at LoloLovesScents
Liz at Furianne
Sandra at Finger Candy
Stephanie at Imperfectly Painted
Sunnee at Our Sunny Life.


To kick off the first post we will do a Fall Tag! I love to play 20 Questions, so here goes:

1. What is your favorite thing about fall?

Cool, crisp weather and nearly every aspect covered in this survey!

2. Do you get fall colors where you live? 

Sure do. I enjoy walking on a wooded trail near my house in the fall when the leaves turn and there’s almost an archway of colors overhead. We’re going to a cabin for the weekend the first of October this year, hopefully some trees will have changed colors by then.

3. Favorite fall scent (wax, or anything)?

20160904_120032Let’s break this down: from Yankee Candle I fell in love with the Autumn in the Park  scent last year. It’s outdoorsy and a little spicy with mac apple, leaves, amber and musk. I use it in car jars, candles and plug-ins.

From Bath and Body Works, my fave is Leaves – crisp red apple, golden nectar and clove spice.


I also enjoy their Sweater Weather blend, but Not all Sweater Weather types.

In general, I love fresh scents, toasted marshmallow, crackling campfire and crisp fall air scents this time of year. Can’t wait to start melting them!

4. Favorite fall food or drink?

Soup and more soup. I could eat it every day during fall and winter. I may be inspired by this Fall Series to make a couple favorites and freeze some, if I can get my make-ahead meal act together.

5. Football…..yay or nay?

Well, I am the manager of my own fantasy football league, so I’m a pro when it comes to following football.  Actually, my family and I are more college football fans than pro.  My team cheer goes, OH-IO, let’s go bucs!

2016-09-04 10.50.04

6. Do you rake, jump in, or burn piles of leaves?

Ugh! Blow them with a leaf blower then rake them into about ten little piles in my yard and bag them. It’s the tailbone-breaking bane of my existence and I try to hold out till they’re mostly off the trees and get them in one big swoop.

7. Haunted house or corn maze?

I surprised myself with corn maze, even after experiencing two harrowing corn maze episodes. Once, my group of friends and I got lost in a massive corn maze shaped like LeBron James dunking a basketball, somewhere in southern Ohio.  There were guard towers posted with search lights and we tried to navigate our way through using an aerial photo saved on a phone, but after about 2 hours we gave up and busted out the side.

Another time, I was in a haunted corn maze and people jumped into the pathways with chainsaws and masks.  It was so scary trying to get away that a friend trampled me, we fell and I got a nice fat lip!  Maybe haunted houses are safer?

8. Have you ever gone on a hayride? 

I have, mostly with my siblings and their children, with my niece’s American Girl dolls riding along with us. I would like to try a haunted hayride at night sometime.

9. Cider or hot chocolate?
Cider, chilled tart and tangy, or warm and spiced.  I wouldn’t turn down a peppermint chocolate mocha at Starbucks, either.

10. Carve a pumpkin or eat pumpkin pie?

I prefer my pumpkins in their natural state, but I do enjoy carving one if the mood strikes me.

11. Do you dress up for Halloween?

Always as a child until I was probably too old to go trick-or-treating.  As an adult, my husband and I have dressed in themed costumes a couple of times.  Memorably, as Ed (me in a police uniform and a ponytail) and my husband as Hi (holding a box of Huggies with a pantyhose on his head and a fake mustache) from “Raising Arizona.”  We also won a small costume contest as Mary Poppins and Burt!  I even convinced the hubs to make his own chimney broom…I wish I had the pics, it was pre-selfie days.

12. Candy corn…..yay or nay?


13. Favorite Halloween movie?

“It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” And yes, it annoys me that Charlie Brown keeps getting rocks!

14. Scariest movie?

File:Freddy Krueger.JPG
Photo credit: Wikipedia promotional photo

Going with the 80’s classic, “A Nightmare On Elm Street” Freddy Krueger was the ultimate villain.  A burnt up child murderer who wore a glove of razors, had an evil smile and worst of all killed his victims when they were most vulnerable – in their dreams. Then there was that children’s song…”One, two, Freddy’s coming for you…three, four, better lock the door…” it was just chilling!

15. Halloween or Thanksgiving?

Is this a trick question?  Halloween all the way!  Nearly the only thing I care about on Thanksgiving is just how good the Black Friday sales will be.  I may have a soft spot for the “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” movie; however.  Can you tell I’m a Peanuts fan?  I mean it slays me when Snoopy chefs up the popcorn, jellybeans and toast for dinner!

16. Do you watch the Macy’s parade?

Parts of it, the kid in me still likes to see the character balloons.  I might return to “running” a Turkey Trot this year, so in that case I’ll miss most of it.

17. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?

Apple pie with the crunchy streusel topping. Redi whip on top, no Cool whip, thanks.

18. White or dark meat?

Which is which? Either I guess, as long as it’s juicy.

19. Jellied or real cranberry sauce?

I used to prefer jellied, but I’m such a gourmand now, so I like the real stewed stove-top kind.

20. Will you host or travel for Thanksgiving this year?

We have a small house and a large family, so we usually travel between two gatherings about an hour’s distance apart.

How about you? I hope you join us by giving some of your fall tag answers! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.  Next post we will feature our fall melting stash.

17 thoughts on “Fall Fun Series

  1. What a great collection of fall scents you curated there! Candles From the Keeping Room has a nice Autumn in the Park dupe. I love that scent too. I had to pick up my first Leaves candle of the season this weekend. Gotta have one.
    Your photos were fun! I loved this post. Ok. So don’t hold it against me that I am a Gator. My husband is from Ohio and was a huge Buckeyes fan until he went to college at USF. A jaunt to a cabin?! How fun! I hope you guys have a good time. We love the Peanuts shows too.


    1. Haha, no I won’t hold it against you, at least you’re not a Seminole. Thank you for the CFKR tip, I haven’t been able to try them yet, but their products look lovely. Our fall trip will be nice to get away from the hustle/bustle this time of year and enjoy some nature. Thanks for reading!


    1. Thank you, Julie made it so easy and everybody has been welcoming! I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s posts. Also, thanks for the Starry Skies info, I’ve had my eye on them and I love wax recommendations😊


  2. Love it! Way to have another football fan! Do you remember the tailgate scent from BBW? I miss that scent so much! Sweater Weather is sort of in the same family but not really.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, actually I’ve never heard of Tailgate from BBW until I read your blog😊 I know that Yankee had a very unfortunate candle named Tailgating that smelled like Bratwurst!
      Sweater Weather type sounds good to me! I still need to get one from the fall or new winter collection.


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