Reading Challenge 2018

20171230_161442Welcome dear bookworms! The lovely Julie at The Redolent Mermaid and I have teamed up to provide a 2018 reading challenge that you can sink your imagination into, one to prod along your reading goals and expand your novel horizons.

Bookish Jay and the Reading Mermaid Challenge:

1. A classic, defined loosely or found on either of these sources: Modern Library 100 Best Novels or Radcliffe’s 100 Best Novels.
I switched The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the first book in the lord of the rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ★★★★★ to a classic read, it definitely qualifies. However, I did read a Modern Library 100 best book too, it’s fitting in at #30.
2. Adventure awaits! Choose a rather adventurous read. Scythe by Neal Shusterman ★★★★☆
3. The next one in a series, there is always another one to get to…The Outsider by Stephen King ★★ 1/2☆☆☆ (I didn’t know it at the time, but some of these characters are a continuation of the Mr. Mercedes series)
4. A purple hued tome, be it lilac, lavender or deep royal purple. Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany by Jane Mount ★★★★☆
5. A memoir. Secrets for the Mad: Obsessions, Confessions, and Life Lessons by dodie ★★☆☆☆
6. A story set in a forest or mountains, or depicting either on the cover. The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden ★★★★☆
7. An epistolary novel, told in letters or journal entries. Dear Fahrenheit 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks by Annie Spence ★★★★★
8. A collection of short stories. Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks ★★★☆☆
9. Pick up one of those neglected TBR books you have lurking about. I know you do. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern ★★★★★
10. A story set in the Middle East or Asia. I am Malala: how one girl stood up for education and changed the world by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb ★★★★☆
11. Be extra naughty…. no… not that kind of book (well, unless you want)… read a banned book! The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon ★★★★☆
12. Art and literature, whether just a gorgeous cover or actual art is in the storyline. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander ★★★☆☆
13. A heart pounding thriller! The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor ★★★☆☆
14. Non-fiction to tickle the brain cells. Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit ★★★★☆
15. A book from the library. G’morning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me & You by Lin-Manuel Miranda, illustrated by Jonny Sun ★★★☆☆
16. Historical fiction. The Great Alone by Kristen Hannah ★★★☆
17. Get your microscope and pocket protector ready… a book dealing with some aspect of science. I’ll Be Gone in the Dark: one woman’s obsessive search for the Golden State Killer by Michele McNamara ★★★★★
18. A book with a bird, on the cover or in the plot. Bird Box by Josh Malerman ★★★★☆
19. A book with a child protagonist. The Last Child by John Hart ★★★★☆
20. It’s about time this one happened: a book dealing with scent, fragrance or perfume Essence and Alchemy by Mandy Aftelier ★★★★☆
21. Travelogue, a book taking place on a journey. The Power by Naomi Alderman ★★★★☆ (The characters hop across countries and the story takes place all over the globe as females become aware of their power to kill with a touch)
22. Re-trying that Hemingway, Steinbeck, or John D. MacDonald authored book. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway ★★☆☆☆
23. An epic tale. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova ★★★1/2☆☆
24. A sensual read. The Alice Network by Kate Quinn ★★☆☆☆
25. A candle on the cover. The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb ★1/2☆☆☆
26. A book title that sounds like a cool name for a band. Notes from the upside down : an unofficial guide to Stranger things by Guy Adams. ★★★☆☆
27. A book that was gifted to you Ways to Hide in Winter by Sarah St. Vincent ★★★★☆
28. A book by a debuted author. The Dry by Jane Harper ★★★☆☆
29. A story based on mythology: Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian… any. Circe by Madeline Miller ★★★★☆
30. Second-hand stories, a book picked up in a thrift shop. Brideshead Revisited by Eveleyn Waugh (thrifted from Bookish Pursuit on etsy) ★★★☆☆

Above photo credit by The Redolent Mermaid

Shooting for the stars with 30, after my failed challenge last year, I even joined the #unreadshelf project on social media for further inspiration to read through my personal stacks before acquiring more books. This will be a true challenge!

Unabashedly embracing my fandoms with these winter reads!
Julie and I do hope you will join us! Feel free to shoot for ticking off all 30 boxes or even just a few. Read a traditional book, an eBook or listen to audiobooks! If you join us in the challenge and post on social media, please use the hashtag #bookishjayandreadingmermaid so we can see what you are reading and cheer you on.
Happy reading, friends!

(Reposted from January 2018 for easy access)

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