L3 Waxy Wonders: Custom bakery bag haul

20180211_113044Another year, another attempt at a wax heart to express my vendor love. Tbh, this was laborious, but I couldn’t resist on Valentine’s week. Anyone a party to Valentine’s Day festivities or gift exchanges? My husband and I rid ourselves of that tradition after our first wedded year, but I did find some small trinkets I forgot to put in his Christmas stocking that I will belatedly give today, and I found a sardonic J.D. Salinger card which expresses our mockery of the holiday just so.

These tarts represent the last wax gift I’m bestowing myself for quite a while, due to my current wax no-buy, but they make a satisfying haul. In my end-of-2017 wax recap, I threw a request out to the blogosphere asking anyone to let me know if L3WW was opening for custom orders, not expecting to actually hear back. When an IG friend and reader, Mari, informed me they would be opening in just a few days, I was surprised. Woohoo! Ask and you shall receive, thanks Mari:)

Custom bakery bags, or doggie bags, are 10 oz. of up to 3 single-scent oils or 1 single-scent +1 house blend for $10.50 ea. Shipping was $10.99 for customs ordered Jan. 2nd and impressively arrived on Jan. 27th.

20180208_093711I’ve mentioned my favorite L3 combo is Snooze button/Aftershave, but it’s not offered in the regular scent list. Getting a full bag of this blend was the motivation behind my order and I can endure my wax ban a little easier having this baggie within reach.

Creamy buttermints, sweet lavender, vanilla bean noel paired with a classic clean aftershave delivers an icy fresh cocktail I can’t get enough of. Boasting four major wax families: fresh, herbal, bakery, and mint, makes it extremely satisfying to my palate. The mint is heartier in this rendition than I remembered, accentuating the keen-edged snap of chilly air on a dazzling winter morning. A single shape of approx .5 oz. produces medium throw.

20180211_114324Once I got my favorite locked in, I felt like experimentin’. Placing this custom order was a bit of a leap of faith because I’m not in the Facebook group to read a probable posted scent list. I scrolled through the scent blends listed on the site and devised combinations from those. (No simple task, there must be 5,102 scents!) *During the ordering process, the scents are requested through a note to seller naming the blends. I’d imagine this becomes an arduous task with tons of bags per order, but was easy for my short 4 bag list. Don’t know how they keep it all straight, but they do.

Cabin in the Woods/Fir trees: Mallo fireside, earl grey tea, vanilla buttercream/Fraser fir. Putting this bag to my nose, I couldn’t tell you what the scent notes are, but it’s not what I was expecting. A tang jumps out, citrus? A bite of smoke? It sounds incongruous and it is, but I do actually like it. That’s the gamble one takes with custom orders, they don’t always turn out as expected. What emerges most is a thick layer of smoke, a crisp citrus battling through which is dulled by a piquant tangy cream. I wish the evergreen fir was present, others said they could smell it, but perhaps I’m nose blind to it, except there’s a distinct refreshing note there. The only image coming to mind is sipping citrus tea with clotted cream, while a forest fire burns around you, ha! it is a curious combo. Light-medium throw with two pieces.

20180211_115514Sweet 16/Vanilla buttercream: Very heavy creamy bakery cake with buttercream frosting. Not my typical choice because it’s a gift for a vanilla-bakery loving teen I know, but with 20 pieces in every bag, I think I can coax her into sharing…perhaps. On cold throw, it’s every teen’s dream; gleaming tiers of pink cupcakes still warm and heavenly smelling, all piped with mountains of thick buttery cream frosting. Rich and decadent, I think I’m beginning to understand what bakery scent lovers find appealing.
20180211_115107Salty Sea Air/Coconut Coast/Vanilla Oak: Frrresh! Salty marine notes, buoyed by a delicate beachy floral. Strewn petals and drifting wood carried on that salty ocean current before a wave of coconut overtakes you. The coconut is lush and salty while the sea air is tart, zesty and mouthwatering, one of the best SSA oils I’ve experienced. I’m adoring the crisp air and watery vibes, but if I re-create this blend, I’d choose driftwood, or something stronger than Vanilla Oak. I’ve tried VO in L3’s pre-made blends before, it pairs well with apples, but gets drowned out here. The lightest throwing of the blends, I recommend 2 shapes of around 1.5 oz for a nice throw. I’ll let it cure for another month before remelting, if I can. Update: After another month’s curing, two pieces threw much better, medium to strong!


20180211_120554Ravenclaw- recently reviewed here. I’m not mad about getting a little more of this unique scent.

Season of the Witch- a blend of Apples and Leaves. All the fresh goodness of B&BW’s Leaves with added tart apples. The more I try L3 Waxy Wonders’ apple blends, the more I become a convert.

Stardust- Lunar Eclipse, Fairy Dust, Cotton Candy Frosting- lemon orange, bergamont, raspberry, oak moss and vanilla with pomegranate, citrus, berry sugar and vanilla. There’s a lot going on with this scent. It’s that smell one gets when removing the glass lid of a big hard candy jar, mixed fruit and sugar crystals with powdery white sugar dust from the bottom of the bowl.

L3WW only opens for custom bags a few times a year, I’m grateful to take advantage of them when I did and plan to again, if possible, for some Fall blends. Loving the majority, I’d rate this a successful custom blending experience. What fragrance are you showing the love to today?

6 thoughts on “L3 Waxy Wonders: Custom bakery bag haul

  1. So interesting to read about your customs. I also ordered from the pre-order / custom opening and it was my first time doing so! I only ordered 3 bags just to test things out. My one blend was Adipose / Pink Sugar / Vanilla Cookie. I really like this blend and the Pink Sugar is dominant, as I suppose it would be. On cold sniff, it isn’t super strong though and so I’m leaving it to cure. My second blend was a range of Vanilla scents…Vanilla Cookie / Vanilla Wafer / Vanilla Ice Cream. I thought that this one would be great, but it’s very light. When I sniff the wax in the brown bag, all I actually smell is the brown bag. Ha Ha. Again, I’ll leave it to cure for a few months. My last blend was Godiva Raspberry White Chocolate Truffles / Whipped Cream / Vanilla Milkshake. Again, I’m disappointed to say that it smells light. I’m starting to learn that I’m adding too many light scents to my blends…anything vanilla, white cake, cream, ice cream, wedding cake etc is just too light and it means that one doesn’t get good throw. I’m really hoping that curing brings out the scents a bit more. I know that people rave about L3 wax and so I hope my bakery bags end up packing a serious punch after a few months or else I will be disappointed. But I suppose that I can’t totally blame the vendor as I did add light scents to my blends. One lives and learns. I’m definitely going to steal your blend of Snooze Button / Aftershave for my next custom order as it sounds awesome. šŸ™‚ I think Jen said that she’ll be doing chunk bags next, at the beginning of March. I’ll definitely give L3 one more chance and will order chunks and see how strong those blends are. Thanks for your post, it was really interesting :-). Hugs. K


    1. Thank you, hope you found it helpful. I was just following up with some Instagrammers who posted their L3 customs and told me cure time does make a big difference.

      I think it makes a noticeable difference with some wax, but you can also run the risk of waiting too long and the wax losing potency. I’d give L3, Rosegirls, The Bathing Garden a couple months. Sniff My Tarts even longer. Which is no fun when you want your wax now, especially a customs creation.
      Blending can be tricky because two light scents don’t equal a strong, but a lighter scent is eclipsed completely when mixed with a strong one. The best scenario is two or three medium throwers, but that’s tough to recreate. I’ve mixed a lot of Yankee Candle tarts and the medium strength formula seems to hold true no matter the type.

      Okay, your blends do sound a little delicate, and I’ve never found a “whipped cream” oil with any strength, but 2 of my above blends had Vanilla Buttercream in them and it is the dominant note in both, so it’s possible to find a strong vanilla. I don’t mix much with cake, so I’m no help there but in my four personal L3WW hauls, I’ve found the fruity blends to be the strongest/most dominant throwers. So many of my Harry Potter haul blends were strong, except Accio, which was Vanilla Lace, I’m also hoping that one improves. Btw, one of the strong throwers from the IG follower was Mango, Pineapple, Vanilla Lace and she could smell the VL, so who knows?
      I hope you like Snooze/aftershave, I prefer my minty scents subdued and cut with crisp or clean while still creamy and it checks all those boxes. Thanks for the upcoming custom info, I’ll skip that one for an opening closer to Fall. I hear L3’s granny smith blends are amazing and Jen’s apples are one of the best!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My experience with Rosegirls is that I can pretty much melt it straight away. Having said that, I’m based in South Africa so there is some time between the wax actually being poured and me receiving it…generally about 2 / 3 weeks. As for The Bathing Garden, that wax does well with a long cure time, even longer than you suggest. It’s one of those like VCS, it gets better with age. I agree with you about Sniff My Tarts, that wax needs some serious cure time. I was melting
    a SMT blend two days ago, and boy oh boy was it strong. It was amazing, but yes, it contained stronger scents (like rosemary mint, lavender, pink sugar etc) and it had cured for many months. I have some other SMT wax with lighter scents like peeps cake and melon and that isn’t smelling as strong on cold. I’m leaving it to cure for even longer. The strange thing is that I never thought that L3 needed long to cure because her wax is primarily paraffin which doesn’t require any cure time actually. She uses only a small amount of soy in her wax. But having said that, yes, I’m definitely going to let it cure for longer…and when I place my next customs order I’ll definitely try for a few more medium to strong scents in each blend and see how that works out. ;-). I think my current L3 customs order is going to do well in the small rooms in my home, and in the bathroom. I won’t take that wax anywhere near my open plan living area as it just won’t perform there. That area I reserve for Super Tarts and Front Porch…and a few others. šŸ™‚

    Anyway, thanks for your posts. I love reading them.



    1. South Africa! It’s amazing to meet fellow wax scent lovers from around the world. I’m honored and thank you for reading<3

      Also, I'm in complete agreement. Super Tarts throws like a beast, especially in my small house (980 sq. feet) and the FP I've been gifted has too, from what I remember. I primarily mean RG's mini-melters improve with cure time but most of the pre-blended RG I've gotten was gifted or a split order with others, in which I've also waited a bit before it was shipped to me, so I've never popped it in a warmer freshly made, BUT all the gifted stuff that was six months old or so always throws well.
      Yes, SMT needs lots of curing for some blends, but others threw well after a week or two, dragon's blood, grapefruit cherry blossom, peppermint swizzle sticks, etc. I'd rank L3WW right there too with length of cure-the longer the better, unless it's strong peppermint, or fruits, paraffin or not, it's helpful. I wish you luck and wonderful throw with your next order! Thanks for chatting:)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Bahahaha, when I saw “bakery bags” I thought, “Woah, Jay’s come over to the dark side! And we definitely have cookies!” But then I pulled my head out of my butt and realized that it wasn’t bags full of bakery scents, but bakery bags. Because of course. And also DUH. Geez, brain not screwed on straight today!

    Snooze Button/Aftershave sounds surprisingly yummy. I’ve really come around on old VBN, which I sort of used to hate. It’s friggin’ awesome paired with peppermint and swizzle sticks in Mini Melters.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, no. I won’t be featuring bags full of bakery melts (I like how sweet ‘bakery’ is the dark side, like the burnt side of a cookie if I’m baking?) BUT, I’m enjoying sniffing the heck outta the bakery cake blend I grabbed for a gift.

      Guess I’m basic, cause I’ve loved Vanilla Bean Noel since it rolled out at B&BW’s, lo those many years ago. Drat, why didn’t I get those peppermint minis?


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