Best & Worst-March


Month to attend the thea-tah, is March, apparently. From Playhouse Square to the school play, every weekend involved an aspect of attending some performance.


During the state Speech tournament, I saw some exceptional performances. Judging a state quality competitive Humor round was a highlight. Marveling at the level of talent achieved by these speechies, it was awe-inspiring and fall-out-my-chair funny.

A suspenseful live show of Wait Until Dark was cool and creepy, it’s based off of my mom’s favorite Audrey Hepburn film. My mom enjoys thrillers, who knew? Then there was the Harry Potter CineConcert which was unique and beautiful.

Lastly, we finally saw Beauty & the Beast! Actually, about two weeks after a release is usually when I catch a film. I enjoyed it. Belle was radiant, the Beast could have been beastlier, but there was still a decent transformation of character. I was surprised by the heartfelt and emotional portrayal of Maurice by Kevin Kline, Gaston was the perfectly preening arrogant foil and Lefou, while not my favorite performance (I have a one-sided love/hate with Josh Gad) was well played, if a bit forced.

My only hesitation stopping a full on love fest for it was the CGI in some scenes. During the ballroom scene, the CGI was magical. I don’t think it worked as well in the supporting character transformations and the castle crumbling climax. Still, I’ve been singing the songs ever since.

The best is yet to come


Reason to binge watch everything on my DVR- It seems the Mister and I are the last two people of my generation to finally cut the cable cords. From April 1st, it’s the tv streaming life for me. Any favorable recommendations Netflixters and Huluers? I checked out the top 50 currently playing Netflix series and think I’m only interested in a few I haven’t seen. Older series, Firefly and Bloodlines, and original content such as Stranger Things have intrigued me enough to commit, but there has to be more out there.

Melts of note:

While hurriedly binging on the tv seasons stored on our exiting DVR, I subconsciously at first, then purposely paired the shows with fitting fragrances to enhance the occasion.

“Turn:Washington’s Spies” (season 3)

Bonfire Bliss-Candles from the Keeping Room This mysterious melt grew on me with a much improved warm throw. Smoky, woody and dense; a perfect aroma for meeting in the woods to discuss treacherous plots, which the characters are constantly up to.


Bright Copper Kettles from Yankee also suited the period drama, Paul Revere was a blacksmith and a patriot. It’s my most treasured cinnamon scent.

“The Big Bang Theory” (season I’ve lost count) There were tons of episodes stored up and I got through several but will miss the remaining dozen till I can grab a library copy.

Candied Blackberry Cookie Bread– K’s Kreations A lovely melt, gifted from a lovely person. Tangy, sugar infused blackberry with a crunchy bit of magic that must be the cookie bread. Fruity/bakery goodness in a feel-good scent for watching a feel-good show.


Key Lime Cupcake w/Mountain Dew overpourSouthern Sisters Wax

This precious piggy mini-loaf was gifted by the Southern Sisters for correctly guessing their next wax sampler theme. (Dirty Dancing!) They are pop culture nuts and amazingly generous.


I can’t believe how much I love this scent. Some fragrances work with fizzy, some don’t; the effervescence compliments the sweetness without adding to it. The key lime cupcake isn’t even needed but adds a creamy note that takes the edge off the lemon-lime. I don’t drink Mountain Dew but I will require more of this scent, it’s luscious.

“Outlander” (season 2)

Rose Jam SerendipitySniff My Tarts Nothing more serendipitous than Outlander’s plot-lines. Another generously gifted scent, I wasn’t taken with the Rose Jam because I found it watery and not rosy enough. However, the Serendipity note is fruity, creamy and yummy. I’m so smitten that I plan to order it in single scent form when Sniff My Tarts opens.

ClaireL3 Waxy Wonders


I love an herbal scent that smells of garden herbs! The bergamot is soft, not harsh and the vanilla is tinged with a woody tone. As strong, bright and outdoorsy as it’s namesake.


Not following through on my work wellness challenge. I got a few runs in and just restarted my yoga practice, but it was too little, too late for the challenge. On the bright side, nothing gets a butt in healthy gear more than a looming birthday. Mine’s two months away, yikes! Time to recommit to wellness.


Johnny and I were literally dodging falling trees on this windy trail run in early March.


A disappointing wax haul. It’s trivial in the larger picture of life, but still a downer. After a nine week TAT for my Lasting Scent Candles wax order, I was disappointed in much of it and received an incorrect fragrance. Of course mistakes happen and I’m reserving final judgment for when I’ve melted a few, and after hearing back from customer service.


Saying goodbye to the special group of seniors on our Speech team. The final performance fundraiser night is next week and at the thought of those last moments …words fail me.

Was everyone’s March as up and down as the crazy weather? Have you tried any melts that surprised and beguiled lately? More tv series and scent recommendations are appreciated.

9 thoughts on “Best & Worst-March

  1. I feel ya on the wellness bit. I have implemented some healthy habits but not followed through with others. I love all the great theatrical experiences you got to have this month. I am really looking forward to watching Phantom of the Opera again at the Majestic in NYC this fall. Have you decided which broadway show you will catch when you head to NYC?

    We still have cable because my husband watches football and certain channels and since he really doesn’t ask much in life and since he happily pays it, I don’t say anything. We do have Netflix and Amazon Prime though and we love watching shows on both. Most of my favorite TV series are on Amazon though: Downton Abbey, Poldark, Vikings, Ronya. Let me tell you the most lovely scent I laid my nose on recently… but you may not enjoy it because I don’t think you are a fan… but it was TBG Tea with the Queen. I got it as a sample in a recent order and it is lovely.


    1. Yes m’am, if you spy those tickets in the b&w photo, the name of the Broadway show is right there. Very excited! I’ve seen the Broadway tour Phantom and love the music, but wanted a new experience for NYC. Also one of my friends going said “Anything but Phantom” she can’t stand Andrew Lloyd Webber!
      We got an indoor antenna for broadcast network sports and the Sling tv package which has ESPNs. I was very vocal about needing PBS for Poldark, all of my Ken Burns films, etc. As you know, Im a huge Downton fan and already own all of the seasons. Happily with the indoor antenna, we now receive 3 PBS stations:) Of course, probably only till the end of the year when it will cease to exist😡

      Ronya, I haven’t heard of I’ll look it up. Ooh, I love tea scents Julie, is it tea & cakes? I’ll be checking for it in your review.


      1. DOH!!! Wicked!!! Cool! I hope you love it! I enjoyed Phantom very much but wouldn’t mind seeing something else but my sisters have never been to one and that was their pick so I am happy to tag along. Enjoy your trip! Is it coming soon?


  2. What a month of excitement! Lots of fun things and good scents.
    Shows that I would recommend, one that I hope you will watch because I need someone else to discuss it with!! It’s called, Call the Midwife. It’s a BBC show but it is soo good. I am waiting for the newest season to be put on Netflix. So good. I think you may like it.
    Also I like/liked Gilmore Girls (Netflix), The Chase (Netflix), Golden Girls (Hulu) Grey’s Anatomy, Series of Unfortunate Events(Netflix), Timeless (Hulu) House (Netflix) How I Met Your Mother (Netflix) Friends(Netflix)

    Speaking of vendor disappointment.. I had placed an order with a vendor and when I never got my package I decided to send an email to them last night. I was pleased with the quick response but when I found out why I didn’t have my package.. I was pretty upset. They sent back that my package had been delivered to a whole different state and address entirely than my address and stated that is what I typed in when ordering.. then another email stating that that is what my PayPal said. After reviewing and back and forth emailing it was finally resolved that someone has the same name and ordered on the same day, so they just combined shipping and shipped my order with hers and told me maybe I could call her and get her to ship my package to me………😑😑😑 how and why would I do that. I don’t even know this person.
    So long story short I got a full refund and no product, which is disappointing because I wanted to try this vendor. Worst part instead of just saying they messed up it was just a constant blaming of the customer. I don’t think I’ll ever try ordering with this vendor again.


    1. Wow! Your bad experience beats mine…how ridiculous!!! Poor customer service will always catch up with you I think. I’m totally curious (DM me!)
      Thanks for some great recs, don’t forget, I’m old, so I’ve seen Friends, HIMYM the first time around😂
      I will check out the Chase and A Series of Unfortunate Events, my nephew also sweetly recommended it. You know I love my Golden Girls, but I don’t think anyone Really knows how much. So we decided Amazon/Netflix was better for us than Hulu, but that means no Bravo, no Golden Girls–I’m gonna have to find a way!
      Ok, so there was a time in life when I didn’t care to watch a show surrounding birthing babies, meaning, I avoided Call the Midwife it’s supposed to be very good though-I will let you know if I start it. Thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. There were a bunch of period dramas (1 season each) that I enjoyed. Low commitment value. Home Fires was one And I know we are so happy it is back for a second season. See if you can find: Land Girls, Bomb Girls, Call the Midwife, The Paradise (Selfridge won this competition), Death Comes to Pemberley, LOVED Bletchley Circle. also on my list: The Crown, Jamaica Inn


    1. I was excited to find many when browsing “customers also viewed” tab in Amazon, I think I found a few to explore. Very happy with Home Fires, it has beautiful cinematography and all of the strong female characters, plus my favorite time period make it a winner. I will look for some of the others, I watched Bletchley Circle a few years ago, it was good!


  4. My, that bit of brittle DOES look pretty! Someone super awesome must have given it to you. 😉 And you are not alone on the cord-cutting – took us a while, too, but we actually quite literally cut the cable cord (I had it pinned against the wall by a built-in bookcase and couldn’t pull it all the way through, so we just chopped it off!) Netflix is the way of the future – come over to the dark side.

    I saw Beauty and the Beast last week and I LOVED it (a lot more than I thought I was going to, actually.) But I didn’t really care for Be Our Guest, because like you said, it was way, way too CGI-heavy. I felt like I was having an acid trip in a Parisian kitchen. I loved the Beast’s new number – I cried.

    Liked by 1 person

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