Top Ten Tuesday: Covers I love from the last decade

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. Jana writes, “it was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.” In that spirit, link up with your list at That Artsy Reader Girl and comment with your list, link, or thoughts below.

Not done with those Best of the Decade posts, quite yet. Specific to books which I’ve personally read. (I really wanted to do this as a topic last year) so here goes…

10. We Were Liars e. lockhart

I had some issues with the plot, but love the way the cover evokes a state of being under water. Of not-quite reality. The figures are hazy and just out of reach, representing the speciousness of Cadence Sinclairs’ memories.

9. Beastie Boys Book.

Sure the photo depicts the boys’ contrived, but enthusiastic early frat-rap style, yet, they somehow made it work. Loaded with incredible photo captures throughout; however, this cover shot confirms MCA displayed a level of maturity that goofball Adrock and over-the-top Mike D never quite pulled off.

8. Circe. The bold image of a metallic bronzed goddess was the most iconic cover and most powerful read of 2018.

7. Bird Box. A rotary phone with dripping blood might seem prosaic but it’s importance as a link to the unknown world outside the ‘bird box’ makes it dead scary.

6. All the Light We Cannot See. A visual feast of blues; skies, waters and rooftops.

5. The Girl in the Tower. I found the 2nd book in the Winternight series lacked depth and originality, but my word, I can get lost in the starlit beauty of the cover.

4. I am Malala. What could be a more empowering statement for her story than the beautiful face of the movement for equal education across the world?

3. The Nickel Boys. Upon first glance, striking contemporary minimalism. But take a closer look after reading and it’s startlingly haunting.

2. Educated. Maybe its because I collect pencils (nerd alert) that I think this graphic twist of a mountain turned writing tool is super cool.

1. The Gollum and the Jinni. Will I ever stop listing this novel as a favorite? Nope. I’m including cover art in it’s list of attributes. The swirling mist-shrouded Washington Square Arch rises as a monolithic symbol for this fantastical immigrant tale.

What book covers do you love?

14 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Covers I love from the last decade

  1. Some great choices here! I’ve always loved the cover for The Girl in the Tower. Heck, I love the covers for that whole series. They’re so pretty, and I could just hang them on my wall. I really need to read The Golem and the Jinni still, but I’ve always loved that cover!

    Here’s my TTT post.


    1. Yes they would make a beautiful wall display, I still need to finish the series. I have a thing about the Washington Sq. Arch, partially due to the novel, so for me that cover rings all my chimes.

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  2. I’ve always loved the cover of We Were Liars. Like you said, it’s the hazy aspect of it. I also read this one on the beach, so it’s definitely a reading experience that has stuck with me. 😉

    My Top Ten Tuesday

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